A Different Kind of Fast - The 40 Day Sugar Fast

Day 1. I don’t want to do this.


I mean, I really like Coca Cola, cookies, candy, and other sugary treats. I even like sugar and cinnamon on my toast! For as long as I can remember I have rewarded myself with sugar. Sugar is an instant pick-me-up when I’m tired. I’ve even called sugary drinks my “health drink” to make me feel better about consuming it. If I’m making chocolate chip cookies, my kids instantly know I’m having a stressful day! Sugar is one of the 4 food groups in my house.

For the past year I have felt convicted and guilty about my cravings for sugar. Sugar for me is an addiction. I know the Lord was nudging me to cut out or at least cut back on sugar. But, honestly I didn’t know where to start. I have on numerous occasions over the past 25 years stopped drinking sugary sodas but, then I’ll have a slice of pizza and well, it just tastes better with a Coke. Then I’m back to square one, ingesting too much sugar in liquid form all over again.

It reminds me of a book I used to read to my children when they were young. “If You Give A Moose A Muffin”….he’s going to want some jam to go with it. And, the story line goes on from there of obsessing over food items and a demanding Moose.

Recently I happened (a God thing) on a book titled The 40-Day Sugar Fast, Where Physical Detox Meets Spiritual Transformation. I don’t think, or rather I know this wasn’t happenstance. God is in the details of our lives. As it says in Psalm 23:3 “He restores my soul. He leads me in paths of righteousness for his name’s sake”.

The book author, Wendy Speake, offers practical and Godly advice on how embracing this 40-day sugar fast will replace sugar cravings with a real hunger for intimacy through the Bible and prayer with the Lord. It sounded good, but I could feel pushback in my soul I still wasn’t completely sold on this. I read the first 70 pages anyways.

I was sharing with my daughter Elena about the premise of the book. She enthusiastically told me to go for it. She’s a very healthy eater, an athlete, and a formerly women’s division 1 rowing coach. She reminded me of a story she heard about an elite marathon runner from Kenya, Eliud Kipchoge, who was asked how he could shave another second or two off his time and average under 5-minute miles. His response “I must be willing to suffer”.  

“I must be willing to suffer” flies in the face of where I’m at in life. I want comfort and peace. Afterall, I told myself, sugar isn’t on the list of unforgiveable sins. Everyone eats some sugar. I’m not doing something illegal – I just like sugar. I had to stop the rationale. I need to do this. This is now a matter of obedience to my Heavenly Father.

“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” Philippians 4:13

If you’re interested in participating in this fast with me – email me at kim.billips@icloud.com



Day 24, Day of Days


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