Day 24, Day of Days

Day 24. I feel SO much better.

As much as I fought this 40-day fast, I can honestly say I’m so glad that I have persevered. There are 16 more days of my commitment, and I’m looking forward to what the Lord has in store over the next two weeks and two days.

The fast wasn’t what I thought I signed up for. My initial perspective was “I’ll just white knuckle the first week, deal with the detox, hopefully lose a few pounds, and somehow instantly feel closer to God through prayer and reading the Bible.
I’m good at preparing “to do” list type of prayers. I limit God. I thought my intentions were pure. I would fast, abstain from sugar, and pray for my children, for their significant others, and for my husband. Additionally, I would pray for our nation, its leaders, for the protection of the President, Vice President, and our elected officials as well as the upcoming elections. 

But one question nagged me, am I any better than the Pharisees? No I’m not. While I am publicly sharing some of the details of the fast – I can honestly say, my intent is to encourage others, not to draw attention to any self-righteousness. “Therefore, since we have been made righteous through his faithfulness, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.” Romans 5:1

Fortunately, God is God and I am not!

The first 24 days has been so much more than I could have imagined. I mean yes, there has been the physical benefits of increased energy, diminished inflammation of my joints, loss of weight, better mental clarity, and an overall cheery disposition. Additionally, I have to admit I was thrilled to fit into a smaller size of clothing.

But in terms of long-term impact, the ah-ha moments were the prayers that I didn’t speak, those were the ones that the Lord answered. He has revealed areas of my life that needed the balm of Gilead as referred to in the Bible regarding fear of the future and valuing eternity more than the here and now.

He gently showed me that he loves my family more than I do! He’s got the future in his hands. Nothing is impossible with God, nothing. And I learned, yet again, that accountability is wise.

There have been three amazing women join me on this adventure in fasting. Each of them have experienced their own struggles, hopes and victories throughout this fast. I am eternally grateful for their support, keeping me from giving in and going to Krispy Kreme at a weak moment, and sharing from their heart and the word of God words of encouragement.

 One final thought, if you’re considering a 40 day fast, know that it will positively transform you physically, emotionally, and spiritually. It’s a promise. Isaiah 58:6 “Is not this the kind of fasting I have chosen: to loose the chains of injustice and untie the cords of the yoke, to set the oppressed free and break every yoke?



A Different Kind of Fast - The 40 Day Sugar Fast