A Divine Appointment In The Most Unusual Place

It was supposed to be just a regular checkup. The kind of physical exam we ladies are encouraged to go to every other year. Regular maintenance. I’ve been to dozens of these appointments over the years, but they never seem to get any easier.

As I got ready early this particular morning, I prayed thanking the Lord for my doctor and that I had access to good healthcare. I thanked Him in advance for his goodness to me and received the peace that passes all understanding.

Philippians 4:7 And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

While I was praying, I felt a nudge from the Holy Spirit to put a copy of my book The Gift of Encouragement in my purse. At first, I hesitated, telling myself I don’t need to take the book to the female doctor!  What am going to do, share it with another patient? I placed the book in my purse anyway.

My husband drove me to the doctor’s office. He’s very thoughtful of me in so many ways. He can sense my anxiety and prays for me.

After checking in, the receptionist informs me that my doctor was called into the hospital. She said they would need to cancel my appointment. Then after a brief pause, she says we do have another option, you can keep today’s appointment if you’re willing to see another physician. I agreed to do it. I thought to myself “let’s get this over with.”

While I was waiting in the patient’s room, I heard a gentle knock on the door. In walks the doctor, a younger female who looks to be in her late thirties. She has a very kind smile and a friendly demeanor. As she reviews my chart she asks in a rather puzzled manner, “you have Parkinson’s?” I thought to myself, this is good, at least I don’t look Parkinsons-like – maybe I look better than I thought?

I explained that I’ve had this disease for 15 years. Her reply took me a bit off guard. She said with a deep concern in her voice that her mother-in-law was recently diagnosed with Parkinson’s! She went on to share that her mother-in-law was my age and that she was struggling with the diagnosis.

I could feel her pain and desperation.

I told her briefly about my experience getting diagnosed at the age of 40. I was in shock for over a year, I couldn’t say the “P” word. It’s a devastating diagnosis. Everything changed that day in my life.

Then I told the doctor about how the Lord has helped me at every bend in this journey with encouragement from The Bible, The Good News. After relaying my story, I said I even wrote a short 30-day devotional book earlier this year. It’s called, The Gift of Encouragement.

The doctor’s countenance changed to radiate hope. She asked me where she could get a copy of the book. She asked if they were sold on Amazon. I said, yes they are, but I happen to have a copy in my purse I’ll just give it to you.

I thought to myself, I’m so glad the Lord nudged me to put a copy of the book in my purse!

The doctor then said something profound to me. “Kim, you were scheduled to see another doctor, but you were supposed to see me today. This was a divine appointment!”






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