Happy Mother’s Day

I read somewhere that the modern Mother’s Day costs Americans around $25 billion in gift giving including jewelry, flowers, gift certificates, and cards. Ironically, I’m celebrating my 27th Mother’s Day this year and the most memorable gifts I’ve received didn’t cost anything and were given to me frequently throughout the years.

Mother’s Day, A Gift Like No Other
to Gabriela, Elena and Daniel

I’m thankful to be called:
Mother, Mom, Mamacita, Momma,

The day each one of my children was born was completely miraculous
A glimpse into the divine, the truly fabulous,

I have learned how to persevere through sleepless nights
Holding my child who was not feeling right,

Life presented an opportunity to teach each one
To crawl, walk, talk and not come undone,

The kindergarten years were fun but fast
Building a new set of memories that were sure to last,

Fostering a love for learning and natural curiosity
Was a challenge I accepted with unfettered generosity,

Watching and observing, I discovered my children’s talents
All the while building self-esteem that created balance

Robotics, rowing, chalk art festivals – there were so many
I witnessed each one of you take on plenty,

Adventures to the UK, the blue ridge mountains and the wild west
Were far better than expensive gifts given at best

I was sad when each of you left our modest home for college
But I hold close the memories as you left to seek more knowledge,

The gifts I have received money simply cannot buy
They are cherished memories and experiences, the great privileges of life 


Number 3


"If You're Going Through Hell Keep Going" with Patrice Tsague