Number 3

Three is a significant number in the Christian faith. As Christians, we believe in the triune God-head; God the Father, Jesus his only begotten son, and Holy Spirit the advocate, counselor and comforter. 

Three is also the sign of strength as referenced in the Old Testament in Ecclesiastes 4:12. “Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.” 

There were three magi or kings that followed the North star to Bethlehem upon the birth of Christ. In Matthew 2:11 it says that the magi brought three gifts. ”And going into the house, they saw the child with Mary his mother, and they fell down and worshiped him. Then, opening their treasures, they offered him gifts (3), gold and frankincense and myrrh.”

Peter also was part of the number three club. Peter denied Jesus three times as recounted in Luke 22:54-62, and three times Jesus affirmed his love John 21:15-17.

On the cross at Calvary there were three men sentenced to death. “And when they had come to the place called Calvary [the Place of a Skull] there they crucified him, and the criminals, one on the right hand and the other on the left.” Luke 23:33

In the Nicene Creed, the Christian statement of faith, the timing of the resurrection of Christ is recorded as three days. “And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures:” 1 Cor. 15:4.

Somewhere I heard an example of the number three used to explain the Trinity relationship. The Trinity is compared to the molecular makeup of water: 2 parts hydrogen atoms and 1 part oxygen atom. I submit that this is an oversimplification, nonetheless it’s an interesting analogy.

I believe numbers have meaning. While I don’t subscribe to a numerology mystic belief, I do submit that there is intrinsic value in numbers and their Divine illustration for our lives.

God transcends time and numbers. We know this because of what it says in the book of Revelation. “He is, and was, and is to come.” Rev 1:8. Nonetheless numbers in particular the number three is part of God’s love language to us. 

He communicates in a way that we will understand. He created us. He knows us inside and out and fully understands how our minds work and perceive life. For our good, he has given us his word replete with examples in terms that we will understand using measurements, references and even numbers like “3” for our benefit. 

How does the number 3 translate into our daily lives such as prayer and praying God’s word?

When I pray, I like to pray recalling God’s word. I have devoted considerable time to memorizing scripture. I have done so to recall the promises and truths and apply them to my life, my families lives or circumstances. However, I didn’t always think this way.

When I was a child in the third grade in Dubuque, Iowa, my piano teacher, Mrs. Mollie, would instruct us to memorize concert piano music. Some of my favorites were Chopin, Mozart, and Debussey. She would prepare us for months for an annual performance for Catholic sisters, acting as judges on behalf of the National Piano Guild. It was not uncommon for Mrs. Mollie’s students to memorize 25 songs on the piano. 

For many years, as a young adult Christian I thought memorizing scripture was like memorizing music, a performance. It was not until my late twenties that my perspective changed an opened the door to a genuine and authentic relationship with the Lord. I discovered that the Lord doesn’t desire rote memorization or performance when we pray. So, I learned to pray differently incorporating the number 3.

Oftentimes I will ask the Lord to respond to my prayer in three different ways. Why did I specifically ask for 3 unique confirmations? Mainly, because I need reassurance that I’m hearing from the Lord!

In Maththew 7:7 Jesus says “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.” (emphasis mine). 

I would encourage you to pray about this notion. Ask, seek, and knock. Ask the Lord to confirm your prayers in 3 unique ways. The Lord would love to hear from you and he will answer your prayers. The Lord is always available. He doesn’t sleep or slumber. He is faithful to answer our prayers, even if He has to answer three times for our benefit!


God is in the Details


Happy Mother’s Day