Don’t Despise Small Beginnings

“Don’t despise small beginnings” Zachariah 4:10 NLT   

It all started four days before Christmas 2022. But, it’s not what you think. It wasn’t a panicked frenzy to buy last-minute gifts or prepare food for guests. To the contrary, I was calmly sitting at my kitchen table when an idea popped into my head. I should write a devotional on the gift of encouragement. It was a foreign thought to me and completely caught me off guard. Even though I have worked in the marketplace for 30 years and supported numerous ministries, never have I considered undertaking such a task.

When I say the idea “popped into my head” it was more like a small voice whispering this creative but mysterious opportunity. It wasn’t a dramatic Wizard of Oz moment where he’s behind the curtain speaking in a loud voice. I think it was closer to what Elijah experienced in the old testament. It says in 1 Kings 19:11-13  “Go out and stand before me on the mountain,” the Lord told him. And as Elijah stood there, the Lord passed by, and a mighty windstorm hit the mountain. It was such a terrible blast that the rocks were torn loose, but the Lord was not in the wind. After the wind there was an earthquake, but the Lord was not in the earthquake. 12 And after the earthquake there was a fire, but the Lord was not in the fire. And after the fire there was the sound of a gentle whisper. 13 When Elijah heard it, he wrapped his face in his cloak and went out and stood at the entrance of the cave.”

God wasn’t speaking through a windstorm, wind, earthquake, or fire. It was a gentle whisper. That’s how it sounded to me. A gentle whisper. After my husband and I discussed and prayed about the experience, we decided I should proceed and write the 30-day devotional. Over the next couple of days, I sat for hours writing on my laptop. Honestly, the experience was very emotional and cathartic. I felt like the Lord was downloading stories, remembrances, and critical moments in my life.

Writing each of the chapters was an encouragement to me personally. I realized as I was putting down on paper these short devotional stories an excitement filled the air with the thought of encouraging others with the hope that I have received through a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and the word of God. 

In the new year when I returned to my job working at the Timothy Plan, a Biblically Responsible Investment company, I shared my devotional book idea with my bosses. Even though I would work on the book after hours, I wanted their blessing. And secretly I wanted their approval. Both agreed and encouraged me to write it. 

It is also when I asked for approval to work with one of our firm’s trustees and colleagues, Patrice Tsague, CEO of Nehemiah Project and its affiliates. Patrice and his team provide publishing services as one of their many areas of expertise. Again, my bosses were some of my biggest advocates in pursuing this opportunity and I am so grateful.

I was eager to work with Patrice. He has a reputation for being a world-changer, a mover and shaker, and most importantly a servant leader. His ministry is truly an international organization. I believed he would be a good mentor and that he would guide me in the publication process since I had no experience in this arena. Additionally, he presented networking opportunities with other experts in their field.  Patrice was the right man for the job and that became more and more evident to me after Patrice interviewed me on the Nehemiah podcast..

What I could not know at the time was that this “gentle whisper” that I heard just days before Christmas would open up more doors of opportunity. During one of our Zoom calls, Patrice challenged me to think beyond just one devotional book. Think like an entrepreneur. I remember thinking, let me just make it through this first book! 

This is a new beginning for me. The Lord has transformed my long-held insecurities and skepticism with a newfound purpose. He has whispered in my ear “Share the gift of encouragement” and don’t despise small beginnings.


Letters of Encouragement